Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So the previous post was written at 4:30 am in the morning. Again.

Never let me stay awake (and alone) with computer access from 4 to 7 am, that's when my brain starts to think too much. Wait, I'll probably write on my diary even if I didn't have a computer anyway.

Coffee is absolutely amazing. If you were to liken my brain to a computer ram, it feels like coffee just upgraded me from a 512MB to a 2GB ram. My writing speed increased by 2 pages for the geog paper, and taptap speed by a few percentages up (was bored on the bus). Most importantly, it transformed me into a happy crazy kid within 3 hours.. or something. Not exaggerating. Now I feel bipolar.

Seeing how I wouldn't be needing sleep for the next 12 hours... I'm going to play around with the camera, the guitar and the piano before searching for my art notes at night. Hurrah.


Just kill me right now. There's no hope in me being happy.

No matter how many times I tell myself to ignore everything and focus on my work, I can't. The thoughts are too overwhelming.

Is there any reason to live? Besides not having a choice and how others around us would suffer if we die?

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